Friday, February 21, 2014

Goodbye to February....

As we wrap up February we think about all different things we learned this month.  We learned about our body and the heart in Science, about Presidents in Social Studies, read Valentines stories, created fun Valentines for our family, and learned more about God and Jesus' love for us.  In an effort to summarize the meaning of love the Kindergarten class collaborated in writing a story to define what love means to them.  Check it out, in so many ways they are wise beyond their years.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Celebrating Our Presidents

Kindergarten was very excited to learn more about our Presidents.  Some things that we focused on during our study were:

  • President Washington
  • President Lincoln 
    • Brief discussion on the Civil War
  • President Obama 
  • Where the Presidents lived
  • What is the job of the President
  • How many Presidents we have had in the United States
Here are some fun resources used during our exploration of Presidents:

President's Day Information

Kindergarten Social Studies

Other Resources (not used in Kindergarten):

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dear Parents...

(Reminders for the upcoming week)

First, due to the Multi-Culture Fair and schedule changes on the Thursday before our February break there will be no formal Valentines party.  The children will be able to exchange Valentines towards the end of the day and view a Valentines film.  If your child wishes to bring in Valentines for the class, please be aware that they must bring one for every classmate (11). 

Another important change is the 8th grade carnation sale.  The deadline for flower orders has been extended to Tuesday February 11th.  The flowers will be distributed on Wednesday February 12th in case we get the snow they are predicting for the 13th.

Lastly, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not forget about the class basket for the wine auction. 
This is one of the schools biggest and most profitable fund raisers.  Our class basket theme is Fairy Tales.  Each family is asked to donate either $20 to $25 dollars (and then I will go out shopping) or Fairy Tale items (such as Fairy Tale stories, toys, games, movies and stuff animals). Thank you for your support and help.

Stay warm!