Friday, December 13, 2013

Who loves Christmas time? WE DO!

Our classroom elf Dash

Our silver bells

Oh my, oh my, what a surprise we had today! After reading the wonderful story The Polar Express yesterday at story time we wrote a note to Santa for our class elf Dash to deliver.  When we came into school today we had a surprise from Santa delivered by Dash.  We received silver slay bells! We can all hear the bells ring, so we know that we ALL believe in Santa.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Time is Coming....

I can not believe that Christmas time is almost here! Where did our year go?! Our classroom elf official made his debut the week before we left for Thanksgiving break, so in Kindergarten we trying extra hard to behave. Since coming back from break we have read the story The Sparkle Box in which we discussed good things we could do for others this year as our gift to Jesus who remember especially during Advent.  We also read and watched the Snowmen At Night one of my personal favorites.  Click on the image below to enjoy the story:

 Another thing we have been enjoying is our classroom fireplace and carols while we settle in to do our morning work. We do love Christmas!